
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

2nd Doctor & Cyberman

Inching ever closer to a full set of Doctors, here's the 2nd Doctor. He's one of my favorites, since it was one of his episodes that got me into Doctor Who. He played his Doctor like a whimsical clown, who could secretly destroy you with science. The likeness is amazing, and the articulation is on par with the best from this line, even if his long coat restricts the hips a little. But I like his coat. It helped make the character.

The Cyberman is the same as the Tomb of the Cyberman from the Cyberman wave, minus the cybermats and the build-a-figure piece. It's a bit disappointing having to buy the same figure twice, but when it comes to Cybermen, I don't mind. Especially since part of the point to the Cybermen is that they're an army of identical creatures. It's part of what makes them scary... Unless you make them hold hands.

I like this set. It's one of the best Doctor Who figures I've seen, certainly one of the best face sculpts.

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