
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Announcing Cybermen Week, March 28-April 1

Man remember a couple years back when we did Cybermen Week? No. Go look at the archives because I think it's time to bring it back. It's like Shark Week, except with Cybermen instead of sharks. And on a blog instead of television. And this has only been done once before instead of like twenty-something years.

I declare that during the final week of March (March 28-April 1) that this blog is going to do another Cybermen Week, which means daily posts on the weekdays all related to Cybermen. And my promise that there will not be an April Fools joke on April 1st, just Cybermen related content.

And since I enjoyed participating in the Vader Invasion, I'm going to open Cybermen Week to everyone. Please post a Cyberman based entry on your own blog that week & give me a heads up and I'll happily link to it. If you don't feel like doing an entry on your blog, then send me pictures of your own Cybermen toy collection (either individually or in a group shot) before March 28th and I'll post them up on my blog during Cybermen Week.

Let's all revel in the Cybermen Love and make Cybermen week the most awesome week of all! Get prepared folks!


  1. Ah! I don't have any Cyberman toys nor I am familiar with the series. Nevermind, I will read your blog post for more about cyberman.
