Friday, April 29, 2011
Mattel Reveals SDCC 2011 Exclusives! I'm . . . Only Slighty Excited.
Brief thoughts:
*Why couldn't Kilowog and Swamp Thing be released to mass retail as Collect and Connect figures? They seem tailor-made for that approach.
*Not at all impressed with Swamp Thing. The sculpt is too bland and too "generic muscled superhero", as opposed to the potential offered by giving us something along the lines of Steve Bissette's hyper-detailed art on Alan Moore's classic Saga of the Swamp Thing tenure. Also, the bio-degradable life-sized mask is a pretty lame pack-in.
*I'm reasonably certain that Hasbro's Marvel Universe Galactus was bigger than that Stay-Puft Marshmellow Man.
*I'm more excited about that six-inch scale superposable Voltron robot figure than I thought I would be. I really haven't been this excited by Voltron since I was four.
X-Force Warpath & Professor X
X-Force Warpath, which is something I never thought I really wanted, but here he is, in my collection. Now to be fair I've never felt one way or the other on the character. Because seriously, never really interested in the Thunderbird legacy character. But on X-Force he... Actually I never read X-force. I sort of read X-Necrosha when the library got it, but uh, from what I can gather back when X-force was "the all trackers and characters with sharp weapons team" he was mostly used to fill the crowd. I don't even know if this is the 2nd or 3rd black ops X-force minimate I have. So clearly I don't really give a damn.
And look, he comes with 90's Xavier for no good reason other than they're both X-men. This isn't even a version of Xavier that shared a decade with this version of Warpath. The box mentions that they were on the same team when they went into space to kill Cyclops crazy space brother, but uh, neither was wearing these costumes. (And it fails to mention that Xavier asked Warpath to go with them because Warpath hated Xavier, just like Vulcan, so maybe he could anticipate the anti-Xavier strategies.)
And Xavier comes with what apparently Jim Lee thinks a wheelchair should look like. Okay, yes, this version of Xavier is the version that had already spent a lot of time married to the alien queen of an empire of planets, so him having access to a floating wheelchair sort of makes sense, but it's also during the period when they were pretending that they weren't the X-men to the world at large. Still, he comes with a suit (boring) and more importantly, his X-men action jumpsuit (silly).
Incidentally, this is the 3rd Xavier minimate I have. And I'm not entirely sure why.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Leoben & Starbuck
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Articulated Monster Episode 05: Morgan Freeman Barbie
And BAM! Another episode of our podcast.
I've updated my prize for anyone who sends in a question and requests a prize from either Counter Fett, Mario, or myself. If you request the prize from me then I'll send you a minimate. I assume those still fit inside of an envelope I can send out for 47 cents.
Muppet Newscaster
Don't get me wrong, the seller refunded my money, but damn shame. The accessories are pretty awesome, the news desk and phone look great. The background with the stickers is a bit off since the stickers are peeling off. (Originally came with a sheet of 8 you could choose yourself.) This would have been a great figure. The design was solid. The glasses had a certain molded shape to let them attach easily, and it could easily stand on its own.
And the real shame is that you can't find the guy on eBay for the same price. Although the seller allowed me to keep the toy, so I guess in theory I could try supergluing the head back on, resulting in a lack of head articulation... Or I could keep it headless and have an awesome story about it.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Pretty much the only reason I got this guy. I mean I've already got Lego mummies. And they have wings. (Although they also have 2 faces which require keeping them in helmets all the time.) I will say that I like his expression of bewildered disappointment. It's like he's thinking, "Aw man, now I'm a mummy. That sucks. I wonder if the Sphinx is still around."
Clearly I know how mummies think.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Christmas Adventure Set

Friday, April 22, 2011
Civillian Thor & Asgardian Warrior

Thursday, April 21, 2011
Revenge of the Cybermen

These are also the only Cybermen I've seen with protruding back elements. It makes the Cybermen seem bulkier when seen in profile. I don't know how I feel about this, but it's show accurate, so whatever. Incidentally, I think the way they've designed the hands on these three guys looks kinda weird. Almost like they're about to summon a fireball.

The Cybermen also come with a Cybermat. If this looks weird, not how you remember, that's because they redesigned them.... into this slug like thing... Incidently, it looks like they're going back to the classic bug like design in the new season of Doctor Who, so hooray! This toy is... weird. No articulation and if you didn't know what it was you would be so damned confused.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Pigs in Space

Articulated Monster, now on iTunes.
Here's the iTunes link.
Seriously, subscribe. Rate it. Leave a review. Whatever you're supposed to do on iTunes.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Monday, April 18, 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011
Prize Envelope.... COULD BE YOURS!!!

Success at last!
I have finally obtained the last piece to finally assemble my DC Universe Classics Ultra-Humanite Collect & Connect figure. Review forthcoming.
Oh, they made new Nerf Dart Tag blasters...
Friday, April 15, 2011
Azrael Batman

Aquaman & The Riddler
So what is one to do if they want a hard to find action figure but don't want to pay high toy show prices?
Answer: Hope you have good luck on eBay. Which I did.

So just a bit later I've got me an Aquaman for what I consider a reasonable price. It doesn't come with a trident, but my version of Aquaman doesn't use a trident. Of course in my mind the definitive version of Aquaman is the ridiculously ineffective version that is made fun of on Superfriends parodies. Which is why I bypassed the gold shirt, long hair, and Ocean Warrior versions. Well everyone bypassed the Ocean Warrior version. That thing sucked. But hey! A toy of the most mocked superhero? You can check that off my list.

Also from ebay, the same company actually, but different auctions. (And coming in surprisingly fast for a shipment from China) it's the Riddler! My favorite supervillian of all time. I had the Wal-mart wave figure, but based on the theory that I might never see the one in the latest DCUC wave I ordered him online. He doesn't come with his cane but I have the one from the old figure.
Of course a week later I found the entire wave in a Target. But I still paid less for him on ebay, so I didn't feel too bad. It's not like I was trying to collect the build-a-figure.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Ending days: Transformers commercials from 1989 and 1990
What's hilarious about seeing all these commercials back-to-back is that it really hammers home how awful the lyrics are to the accompanying jingles. It's the same groan-inducing effect you get from watching all those David Caruso opening scenes to CSI: Miami edited together. I imagine recording all the vocals in the studio in take after take must have been soul-crushing to whomever was singing on these things.
Dollar Store Visit

Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Doctor Who Packaging Error

Patrol Bear Fozzie

Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Back to the Future Time Machine

Also, check out the car profile on the back.
The Fifth Doctor & The Master

Monday, April 11, 2011
Articulated Monster Episode 4: South Africats
Here's episode 4 of our podcast, featuring myself, Mario from a Year of Toys & PJ from All things Fett. We talk about the Thundercats... and then stray off point. Hilariously so.
'08 Garbage Truck

Friday, April 8, 2011
C-4 Hamster

So I was walking away from Wondercon, my day essentially over, when there was this dude selling stuff on the street off a towel. All for $1 or $3. So I picked up his last C-4 Hamster... because dude, it's a Hamster with C-4 strapped to it.

Podcast Question Post

Thursday, April 7, 2011
Hot Wheels: VW Bug, Dairy Delivery, Classic Caddy
Seriously, who doesn't want a Hot Wheel of a VW Bug? Especially one that looks like it was vandalized by a retro-80's discotech.
Dairy Delivery Won't lie to you, I only got this because it has "Got Milk" printed on the side. Who knew Hot Wheels was into a corporate sponsorship with the Milk Council? At least they put it on a milk truck, which makes sense. Although I would totally buy a Hot Wheel of a muscle car with "Got Milk" pinted on it. Classic Caddy
Classy! I got this so I could send it down a Hot Wheels ramp and then do loops. Because damn, it looks like the car of a rich dude who comes from old money. And he's got a chauffer named "Bentley." So pretty much I'm saying an old rich guy from any movie made in the 80's.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Sarah Jane Smith and the Graske

First up is Sarah Jane Smith, a companion of the
The Graske are... well I don't know. They've made minor cameo appearances in some Doctor Who episodes, but they weren't fully used until the Sarah Jane Adventures, which I don't watch because I'm a grown ass man and I don't watch shows where adults shove a bunch of teenagers into situtations so they can save the world and be identifiable with today's youth market. Both figures are awesome, and work 100% with my other Doctor Who figures, so I'm loving this set.
Although it would be nice to know how anyone is supposed to hold that weird mini-computer palm pilot accessory. Since the Sarah Jane Smith figure in the regular Doctor Who toyline is so hard to find, this was more than a great substitution, since it comes with a Graske, an alien not available to the regular toyline.
Lego Minifigures: Viking Frankenstein's Monster, Wolfman
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Lego Minifigures: Cavalier, Hockey Player, Punk Rocker

Staff Strike Batman