
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

White Tiger and Hand Ninja

The box profile completely ignores the part where White Tiger dies, gets resurrected, and is made evil by magic and demons. Instead it presents her as a hero from a poorly received Tamora Pierce miniseries and legacy character for a hero no one really remembers.

And the Hand Ninja is an over the top ninja! With all the bits you need to army build an army of red ninjas that aren't identical, even though that's kind of the Hand's thing.

Why'd I get them? I'm something of a completist and wanted the Hand Ninja, so I picked it up during a Black Friday sale a couple months ago. As for the White Tiger, I don't know the character, but I sort of like the design of the costume, so I didn't feel to bad about getting her. Still, star of the show here is the Hand Ninja.

1 comment:

  1. The Ninja is sweet! I remember the White Tiger(The Original)so am not up on this new female one.
