
Thursday, March 15, 2012

3D Thursday: Kilowog and Zilius Zox

It's time for a new semi-regular feature here at "Why Did I Buy That Toy," where we present some original 3D content. Today we've got some 3-D picks as I go over the Action League 2-pack of Green Lantern Kilowog and Red Lantern Zilius Zox. Just as a heads up, I'm not really a fan of these types of Galactic Heroes super deformed tiny vinyl figures. I've skipped over every other version of them in the past. But I got this 2-pack back in the height of my "Green Lantern" obsession when I desperately wanted new Rainbow Lantern characters. I figured this would be the only way I would get a Zilius Zox figure, so I bit the metaphorical bullet and bought the pack. A year later and I just got around to opening it.

They're everything I expected, which is to say heavier than they look and not very exciting. The limited articulation doesn't leave me a lot of play features, so I'm pretty much getting these to display Zilius. I don't know what I'll do with Kilowog. For what he is, Zilius is pretty good. he doesn't balance very well, but what do you expect from a giant solid ball supported by two tiny legs? I will say that despite his distinctive look, he almost fits in on my Rainbow Lantern Shelf.

All things said and done, I'm not impressed with this set, and it sure as hell doesn't inspire me to go out and get other similar styled figures. They cost too much for what they are and if I hadn't been in Lantern Madness last summer I would have skipped these entirely. As it is now, I only opened and displayed Zilius for completeness reasons. Kilowog is going into a drawer somewhere.

Okay, time for the...

Current Rainbow Corps Collection Display Count
Green Lanterns: 11 (I removed the Movie Masters)
Sinestro Corps: 7
Red Lanterns: 4
Star Sapphires: 3
Blue Lanterns: 2
Black Lanterns: 1.15
Orange Lanterns: 1
Indigo Lanterns: 1

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