
Monday, September 1, 2014

Stephen King

Series 3 of the Simpsons 25 Greatest Guest Stars is out. I've been waiting for this wave since they announced the line-up, and while I'm tempted by Penn & Teller and Leonard Nimoy, it was the Stephen King figure that originally got me excited and so of course that was the one I purchased today.

Making an action figure of an author is rare, usually it's done ironically. (I'm looking at you Accoutrement Toys.) Potentially it's done for a very small but dedicated collector's market. But you know what never happens: releasing the figure of the author in a mass market line. But the most popular and prolific storyteller of the modern age changes that. And I am glad.

Also, he comes with a book. Which is meaningless to me since I have no plans of opening this thing. It goes on the wall with my other 2 figures from this line, which is really setting up an odd trend for me. I wonder if I'll buy a single figure from Wave 4 not because I want it but out of habit.


  1. I haven't bought a Simpson's figure since the Bartman figure from the early 90's, but I'm planning on picking up Stephen King as well. I'm a sucker for horror figures, a huge King fan, and just love the idea of this guy existing as an action figure!

  2. Other than the Simpsons LEGO minifigures I am in the exact same boat as Barbecue17. The only one I own a Bartman I picked up off the shelf in the nineties. But owning a Simpsonized Stephen King may be impossible to resist!
