Tuesday, March 15, 2011


The Hoix is a Doctor Who Monster that has never had an episode dedicated to it. It has appeared in a quick comedy sequence, appearing for like a minute and a half before vanishing from the story completely with not even a capture/defeat scene. Just BAM gone. Then it appeared in a crowd scene last year in what was essentially a... barely a cameo... more like serving as an extra.
Seriously, it got like second or third billing to the Absorbaloff.
But it has a cool design, so they made a toy of it and I bought it. So what does that say about me? That I'm willing to buy $5 Doctor Who Toys if they look good enough, apparently.


  1. I always liked the Hoix design, too - from what you could see of it in that silly Scooby Doo door sequence...

  2. The Hoix also made a blink and you'll miss it cameo in Torchwood. Quite like the figure even if it does look like something out of the Rocky Horror Picture show.
